Friday, September 10, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
I work with large companies attempting to express their innermost desires to customers, employees, mutants and regular Joes all around the world. This usually begins with a mission statement and some articulation of their corporate values. Inevitably, one of those values is “A Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion.”
Frankly, they should really just compress it into one word, diversityandinclusion. It rolls off the corporate tongue so effortlessly. Thoughtlessly, in fact. Because if they gave it any thought they would realize quite quickly that diversity and inclusion are mutually exclusive.
Diversity celebrates our differences. Inclusion transcends our differences.
You can’t have it both ways which is one reason why I’m not the captain of the African-American bowling team at TimeWarner Inc. What’s worse, in practice only some differences are celebrated as anyone who’s ever tried to organize an evangelical Christian prayer group in the company cafeteria has discovered.
Diversityandinclusion is a verb that means to assume a defensive crouch while paying nominal tribute to potentially disruptive social aggrievement groups. Everyone in the organization knows diversityandinclusion is a corporate posture rather than a corporate value. And in that way it becomes demoralizing for everyone in the organization – from the aggrieved who never seem to be taken seriously as individuals to the white males who feel targeted as oppressors-by-association. And since white males typically make up a plurality in most large American corporations, this is a pose that alienates your employees.
If these corporations were sincere and smart about the issue of diversity and inclusion they would develop an entirely new phrase that recognizes the value of individuals and accepts them within an organization of like-minded individuals.
It would begin with a recognition that there are some characteristics inherent in an individual employee – their ancestry, genetic code. Let's call them their "ethnicity." These are things are involuntary associations. They are beyond the individual’s control. They are the cards you are dealt at birth. To discriminate against a person because of their ethnicity is unjust. Therefore an organization of individuals that justly overlooks one’s ethnicity is likely to be an organization of many ethnicities. Multi-ethnic.
Culture, on the other hand, is a more voluntary association. You choose your beliefs, your values, and your opinions. There is a natural human tendency to propagate those beliefs particularly if they are deeply held. I mean, if you believe you know the truth why wouldn’t want to change the minds those who don’t yet know what you know?
Cultures inevitably cause friction when they come in contact with each other and in cases of extreme friction will need some sort of coercive force either to separate conflicting cultures or to enforce a preferred culture. That’s what a voluntary organization is all about. It enforces a consensus culture. Or else it should be.
You can join our organization as long as you believe in our culture and promote it through your behavior. For an organization like Google that means looking for ways to monetize public information while wearing sandals and attempting not to be evil. For S.P.E.C.T.R.E. it means looking for ways to monetize terror while wearing Nehru jackets and integrating evil into everything you do. The ethnicity of Sergey Brin or Ernst Stavro Blofeld is of no importance.
Rather than try to embrace diversityandinclusion which is impossible, organizations should declare that they are multiethnic and unicultural.
If you join our company you are voluntarily endorsing a distinct culture that transcends your ethnicity. That culture may be one that values profits about everything else, like a hedge fund in the Cayman Islands. Or it can be a culture that views profits as secondary to some greater social good, like one of those threadbare organic pizza joints in Burlington, Vermont. Every organization has a culture and the sooner they recognize that fact and channel it into ways that help everyone achieve what they define as success, the better.
But for many corporations that process of expressing their culture is unnerving. It means being truthful about motivations, rationales, and deepest beliefs. For BP it would mean admitting that they really have no intention of moving beyond petroleum. For Pepsi it would mean that they are actually more interested in selling salty snacks and sugary soft drinks than in saving the world. And that’s nothing to be ashamed of because no one really believes the Corporate Social Responsibility messaging anyway. Defining your culture and expressing it in actions is well worth the effort because in the end people appreciate clarity and authenticity more than apologetic poses.
Right now, diversityandinclusion does not have the ring of authenticity about it. It sounds contrived and in fact it is contrived. It doesn’t advance the cause the tolerance and understanding because it’s promoted by consultants who benefit from more grievance not less. Far better to shelve the term altogether and be truthful about what the organization expects of its people – care and attention to work, respect for colleagues, pride in a job well done whatever that job may be.
If you can do that consistently, who cares what your DNA looks like?
Monday, March 22, 2010
“Of all the towering figures of the twentieth century, both good and evil, Winston Churchill was the most valuable to humanity, and also the most likable. It is a joy to write his life, and to read about it. None holds more lessons, especially for youth: How to use a difficult childhood. How to seize eagerly all opportunities, physical, moral, and intellectual. How to dare greatly, to reinforce success, and to put the inevitable failures behind you. And how, while pursuing vaulting ambition with energy and relish, to cultivate also friendship, generosity, compassion, and decency.”
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Why Negotiating with Our Enemies Is Overrated
Moammar Gaddafi, who has as much right to speak before the United Nations as any leader of a sovereign member nation, demonstrates why membership in the U.N. confers no more legitimacy to one's thoughts and opinions than does a megaphone made of rolled up newspaper.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
How Not to Support the Brand
The Marketing team at TAP have come up with a sure-fire way of discouraging me from ever flying to Lisbon on one of their planes.
Nice job.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Monday, September 07, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Kennedy and Vietnam
During the great Walter Cronkite (Peace Be Upon Him) retrospective we endured last month following the secular saint's untimely death, one clip from an interview with President Kennedy was given lots of airtime. Vietnam revisionists love this clip because it seems to show JFK wavering in his commitment to South Vietnam and the war itself:
But just seven days later Kennedy sat for an interview with Huntley and Brinkley (the second and third most trusted men in America at the time) in which he articulates a more conventional position. Vietnam is part of a global struggle against communism and therefore transcends the interests of the South Vietnamese people.
So, had JFK lived would we have avoided a deeper commitment to South Vietnam? Impossible to answer but Kennedy's words suggest that Vietnam was extremely important to his national security policy and not subject to whims of popular opinion.
The hagiographers have it wrong. JFK was not antiwar. He was anticommunist.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
I was among the last generation of kids to be excited about ham radio just before CB killed it off. Back then I looked forward to getting my QST magazine and the most desirable and unattainable thing in my world was a Collins SSB transceiver.

As I recall, no one I actually knew shared the slightest interest in ham radio. I never met anyone who had a radio or a license or any experience whatsoever. As far as I can tell, my interest was sparked by an article in Boy’s Life which I read avidly in bound volumes at the Donnell Library in midtown Manhattan – about as far from a campfire and a low wattage radio shack as was possible. Interestingly, I managed to find and join an affinity group with no physical presence. Ham radio operators didn’t meet each other. The whole point seemed to be to keep everyone at a safe distance.
Occasionally the radio subculture would surface briefly in the mainstream and validate my interest in some small but memorable way. Like when a wheelchair bound ham operator alerted the police in The Anderson Tapes, or when Jean Shepherd (K2ORS) talked about it in late evening monologues on WOR. Ham radio was solitary and social at the same time.
I built a Heathkit receiver in my room. Heathkit was the cheapest point of entry to the amateur radio world. There were thrills to be had on a good night when the skip was right and you could tune in a wavy voice from Ceylon. Collecting QSL cards was an enthusiasm no one I actually knew in the real world could possibly understand much less share.
But eventually I began to realize that amateur radio was essentially a time consuming and expensive global feedback loop. You would buy equipment so you could talk to others like you about equipment upgrades that would allow you to talk with other people about additional equipment upgrades and so on.
Of course, when CB radio became popular at the depth of the 70s, things changed dreadfully. There were songs about it on the AM. Movies too. This was something my parents and friends could sort of understand. But disappointingly, they looked at my singular, defining passion next to a cheap, stupid, and massively mainstream fad and couldn’t tell the difference. It was embarrassing. Not just for me but for thousands of amateur operators.
For me, the embarrassment of being mistaken for a dilettante CBer sputtering “breaker, breaker 1-9” and “10-4 good buddy” never entirely healed.
And at the height of its popularity CB radio expanded from 19 channels to 40 and people decided to buy 8-tracks or electric carving knives rather than upgrade their equipment and the fad evaporated. Ham radio was morphing into television which also required a considerable equipment upgrade and that too lost adherents . . . mostly to home computers I suspect.
I can see some of this same trajectory in the blogosphere. But the greatest similarity between bloggery and ham radio is community and the importance of distance. Meeting bloggers in the wet world is almost always as disappointing as meeting an actual amateur radio geek in the flesh. Yet the desire to communicate with strangers who share your passion is overwhelming. Humans will work with any technology available to make those connections - papyrus, printing presses, pamphlets, newsletters, radio, twitter – it’s all the same expression.
Apparently, there’s nothing more comforting to a human than being alone and knowing you’re not alone at all.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
There Goes a Good Man
Just after Bill Clinton became President Clinton, I had the enormous good fortune to meet and work with Jack Kemp. At that time, Kemp was by far the most popular Republican presidential candidate for the next election in 1996. He was at the very top of his game.

He was - and still is - a good and decent man.
Friday, April 24, 2009
I Like Ike, Not Gehry
Suppose you were on a commission to build a memorial to President Dwight D. Eisenhower and you had to select an architect to design it. What sort of qualities would you look for?
Actually, it’s easier to say what he’s not.
Not trendy. Not intellectual. Not ostentatious.
And what will the design look like? Don’t know. The memorial commission isn’t releasing the design to the public. They won’t release the runner-up designs from Krueck & Sexton, Rogers Marvel Architects, or PWP Landscape Architecture, either.
That’s not the sort of behavior of a patron confident of the popularity of its decision.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Among the few clearly positive consequences of The Great Rebalancing going on now in financial markets is the extinguishment of Norman Foster’s plans to deface The New York Public Library first announced just as the economic avalanche was beginning in October. The timing suggests a divine consciousness at work.

This sort of nonsense is so common in architecture that it barely even registers on the bullshit detector anymore.
Fortunately the disfigurement will have to wait.
Back in October, Sir Foster blathered on about how he was drawing inspiration from the local library in a suburb of Manchester that he visited as an insufferable teenager.
Here is the library.

I’m as adamantly opposed to book burning as George Orwell but I would make an exception for the “works” of Corbu. The world would be a better place if his contributions to the catalog of human knowledge were simply deleted.
What are the chances that Foster’s new masterpiece resembles anything like the modest library he claims as his inspiration? Slim to absolutely nil. About the same probability that his update will inspire anyone as much as the brand manager of Windex.
The Times reports that the trustees considered more traditional architects but in the end chose to commission "a distinctive piece of contemporary architecture.” According to the library’s chairwoman, Catie Marron, “one has to embrace one’s time.”
But why? Why can’t we embrace our times by embracing the beautiful works of art that preceded us instead of disfiguring them? Because our times are selfish and myopic, that’s why.

Any Fosteresque alteration would indeed embrace our times in all its banality, mediocrity, transience, conceit and most of all its presumption that any architect alive today could match what Carrere & Hastings created a century ago.
Funny how no such tension was desirable when Paul Rudolph’s high rise bunker at Yale was renovated and added to recently. “The Gwathmey design is intentionally restrained and recessive,” says Ada Louise Huxtable the fictional architecture critic at The Wall Street Journal. But that’s another story.
Says Ouroussoff, who occupies the Muschamp Chair for Advanced Elitist Studies at NYT:
"Some believe that the only way to show respect for an old building is to dress
it up in a cute period style.”
“This approach trivializes history by blurring the distinction between old and
“The result is watered-down history – or worse, kitch.”
Yet, a Norman Foster prosthesis on The New York Public Library would equate a passing fashion with the grandeur of history and be nothing more than adding chrome tailfins on a timeless structure.
“In choosing Mr. Foster the library is signaling confidence in the ethos of our
own era while nodding to a distinct past.”
Ironically, the shameful ethos of our era ultimately will make Foster’s plans unrenderable. There’s no money left, and now that the trustees of the library have lost the $59 million they were counting on to jumpstart the project, the hole just got a lot bigger.